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Leon Black Sued for Rape under the Adult Survivor’s Act

Wigdor LLP filed a lawsuit on behalf of our client Cheri Pierson against Leon Black and the Estate of Jeffrey E. Epstein alleging that Black brutally raped her at Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse.  Filed under NY’s Adult Survivor’s Act (ASA), our client alleges that Black committed the sexual assault in 2002.  Black and Epstein are named as co-defendants because, as alleged, it was Epstein who arranged for her to give Black a massage that weekday afternoon on the third floor of his mansion.  As detailed in the complaint, Black forcibly subjected Ms. Pierson to his sexual assault by physically overpowering her and subjecting her to bodily harm.   Subsequently, Epstein gave Black her phone number so Black could convince her to meet with him again, including to give her several thousand dollars to “help” with her financial debt, as alleged.   As set forth in the complaint, when our client realized that Black considered money to be an acceptable way to justify his horrific violence, she refused to communicate with him again.

You can read and download a copy of the filed Complaint here:

Statement from Partner Jeanne Christensen:

“Thanks to the passage of the Adult Survivor’s Act, survivors of sexual violence like our client Ms. Pierson can seek the justice they deserve no matter how many years ago their trauma was suffered.  We look forward to holding Black and Epstein’s estate accountable for their appalling unlawful conduct as alleged in the complaint by our client.”


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