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New Complaint Against Sean Combs


On December 6th, 2023, Wigdor LLP filed a federal lawsuit against music mogul Sean Combs and Harve Pierre, the President of Mr. Combs’ company, Bad Boy Entertainment.  The suit also names a third individual defendant, dubbed the “Third Assailant,” as well as two responsible corporate entities.  The plaintiff, who has chosen to go by Jane Doe to protect her identity, alleges in her complaint here):

  • that she was sex trafficked and gang raped by Mr. Combs, Mr. Pierre and the Third Assailant, when she was only 17 years old and in the 11th grade;
  • that Mr. Pierre approached Ms. Doe at a lounge in Michigan, near to where she was living at the time, told her that he was “best friends” with Mr. Combs and proceeded to call Mr. Combs, who was in New York City;
  • Mr. Pierre and Mr. Combs convinced the teenage minor to take a private jet with Mr. Pierre and the Third Assailant to Mr. Combs’ recording studio in New York City; 
  • once there, the defendants plied Ms. Doe with drugs and alcohol and viciously gang raped her, one after the other;
  • while Mr. Combs was raping Ms. Doe, he complained that he could not “get off” unless she pinched his nipples as hard as she could;
  • Mr. Pierre took his turn at raping Ms. Doe and then violently forced her to give him oral sex, during which Ms. Doe was choking and struggling to breathe; and
  • when Mr. Pierre finished, he left Ms. Doe in the bathroom alone. Ms. Doe fell into the fetal position and lay on the floor.

As included in the complaint, Ms. Doe has photographs proving that she was in Mr. Combs’ studio, with Mr. Combs, on the night in question.


Below is a quotation from Douglas H. Wigdor, founding partner of Wigdor LLP:

“As alleged in the complaint, Defendants preyed on a vulnerable high school teenager as part of a sex trafficking scheme that involved plying her with drugs and alcohol and transporting her by private jet to New York City where she was gang raped by the three individual defendants at Mr. Combs’ studio.  The depravity of these abhorrent acts has, not surprisingly, scarred our client for life.”