Today, Wigdor LLP filed an amended complaint alleging celebrity chef and restauranteur Todd English, along with Wenjie Song, physically and sexually assaulted our client, Kelly Forman. Mr. English has achieved significant culinary success, including a James Beard Foundation National Rising Star Chef award, many nationally acclaimed restaurants, and frequent appearances on Food Network’s television shows; however, he has yet to be held accountable for his history of sexual misconduct.
Ms. Forman alleges that Mr. English and then-girlfriend Ms. Song sexually assaulted her after a dinner party hosted by Mr. English in New York City. Ms. Forman was first forcibly kissed by Mr. English while at the dinner party, after which he insisted she visit a nearby bar with him and Ms. Song —the bar, however, turned out to be a strip club. The bright lights and loud music at the strip club aggravated Ms. Forman’s previously-sustained brain injury to the point of complete debilitation. Rather than care for Ms. Forman in her vulnerable state, English brought her back to the loft where the dinner party was held, where she succumbed to exhaustion. When she woke up the next morning, she discovered she had been horrifically abused, both physically and sexually.
By calling on the Gender-Motivated Violence Act and the Adult Survivors Act, we will help Ms. Forman seek justice against her abuser and help expose the true behavior of a man who publicly displays a wholesome image.
The complaint may be found here*.
Any questions may be directed to attorney Meredith A. Firetog (mfiretog@wigdorlaw.com) or Director of Marketing Tess Neudeck (tneudeck@wigdorlaw.com).
*TRIGGER WARNING: The attached complaint contains graphic photographs of Ms. Forman’s forearm injuries.