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Wigdor LLP Defeats Three Motions to Dismiss in Ormond v. Weinstein

On August 19, 2024, the Supreme Court of the State of New York denied Disney, CAA, and Miramax Film NY’s motions to dismiss the action against them.

Wigdor LLP commenced action on behalf of Ms. Ormond in October 2023, pursuant to New York’s Adult Survivors Act, alleging that defendant Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her in December 1995. Disney, Miramax, and CAA each moved to dismiss the respective causes of action asserted.

In a joint statement, plaintiff attorneys Meredith A. Firetog (Wigdor LLP) and Kevin Mintzer (Kevin Mintzer, P.C.) say “We are very pleased by the Court’s decision, which is a complete repudiation of CAA, Disney, and Miramax’s attempts to evade accountability for their failure to protect Julia Ormond from Harvey Weinstein. The case will now proceed to discovery, where, thanks to Ms. Ormond’s bravery, we will be able to expose the truth of how these powerful Hollywood companies enabled Harvey Weinstein.”

The initial complaint may be found here and the court’s response may be found here.

Any questions may be directed to attorneys Meredith A. Firetog ( and Kevin Mintzer ( or to Director of Marketing Tess Neudeck (