On April 12, 2016 Wigdor LLP filed a lawsuit in Manhattan Supreme Court on behalf of Plaintiffs, Mina Malik and Dr. Robia Charles against Defendants Richard Emery, Chairman of the Civilian Complaint Review Board (“CCRB”) and the City of New York alleging gender based discrimination and retaliatory employment practices committed in violation of the New York Human Rights Law, New York Executive Laws and New York City Human Rights Law. Ms. Malik is the Executive Director of the CCRB and Dr. Robia Charles is the CCRB’s Deputy Executive Director for Policy and Strategic Initiatives. Allegations include that: Mr. Emery referred to female plaintiffs as “pu****s;” the New York City Equal Employment Opportunity Office sat on Ms. Malik’s complaint for unlawful discrimination and retaliation for five months and took no action; Mr. Emery started to take retaliatory actions in response to Ms. Malik’s formal complaint and began to undermine her authority and limit her responsibilities; Mr. Emery subjected Dr. Charles (who is currently pregnant and expecting in June) to discriminatory and retaliatory action immediately after she filed a formal complaint of unlawful discrimination and retaliation; Mr. Emery started to lay the groundwork for Plaintiffs’ terminations.
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New York Post
“Chairman called me a p—y and won’t let me do my job’’”
April 13, 2016
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“EXCLUSIVE: Civilian Complaint Review Board chair Richard Emery retaliated against employee who complained about him calling others ‘pu—-s’: suit” Parties”
April 12, 2016
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